We know how costly it can be to repair a machine when the damage is extensive. That's why we can replace damaged parts with used ones, which are less expensive to buy, but have undergone the same level of quality control as new by our suppliers. What does this mean for you?

  • The best value for money
  • A cheaper overall bill from 30% to 50%!
  • Longer repair times (slower supply)
  • No difference in use, and the same guarantees


With us, estimates are free and sent to you within 24 hours whenever possible! All you have to do is fill in our form!

I'd crashed my Mavic 2 into a tree, and was expecting a bill that would force me to buy a new drone.

Well, not at all! I found my drone a few days later as if nothing had happened. I chose used parts, and saw no difference with new!

Jean-Luc Davignon / 30/02/2022

My mini 3 pro had a broken arm, I sent it, and 7 days later, it was back. Attractive price for a repair.

What's more, the drone underwent a complete check-up and everything was calibrated free of charge. I had to send my drone abroad before, now it's done.

Jacques Guérin / 24/05/2023

Powerloop sent me a quote within 24 hours, so I knew what to expect.

After dismantling it turned out that two tablecloths had died, which didn't even increase the final price. I was afraid to go through this site, and in the end, I'll do it again with my eyes closed. Thank you so much!

Hubert Thomassi / 18/01/2022